My first project. My dad found this as a pile of pieces when I was 15. By the time I was 17 and a senior in high school we had it back together, painted, upholstered in good running order. It was my only transportation and I used it as such, after all it was just a 35 year old used car. I learned much and had a lot of fun with my dad restoring it. Washington Blue, black fenders and Tacoma Cream wheels.
Project Timeline
1930 Model A Ford Coupe

1938 John Deere Model B
I got into antique tractors when we lived in Northern Kentucky. It was a popular hobby there. The family attended the huge tractor show every year in Portland, IN. I finally sprang for this '38. The last of the unstyled John Deeres. It was rusty, the engine was locked needed everything. A satisfying project to bring it back to life. I ended up rationalizing it by also getting a two row corn planter, 2 row integral cultivators, a two bottom plow, a disc and then growing some sweet corn to roadside.

1966 Porsche 912
The family had relocated from Kentucky to Fremont and I needed a second car. In my mind it would be either a 912 or a BMW Bavaria (more on the Bavaria later). I found this 912 in the Sacramento area. Nice paint and interior. I discovered later that it was pretty rusty and that the engine smoked with a trailing throttle. I sold it a year or so after i bought it.

1967 Porsche 912
There are just a hadful of the cars I've owned that I wish I could have found someway to keep, but the project was (is?) the hobby for me and they always had to be sold to fund the next project. This was a 60,000 mile all original car. Even smelled new. Sand Beige over Ivory. 5 speed. Last of the short wheel base, headlights under glass 911/912 Porsches.

1928 Model A Ford Roadster
My buddy Dave Burton had found this roadster body near Goldendale in Eastern Washington. He collected a frame, engine and various other parts but lost interest in it. He gave the pile of parts to me. Zack, Mark Kaufmann and I rented a trailer. drove to Seattle and picked up the pieces. For a few years after that I always had plenty to look for at the local swap meets. It resembled a car and ran and drove when I sold it.

1962 Lark 4 door (13,000 miles)
The lowest original mile vintage car that I have ever owned (13,000). It was like a one year old used car. Original tires even (replaced after one came apart on the freeway). It trophied at a regional Studebaker Club show in Fresno and won its class at the Chico Concours de Elegance. A plain 4 door sedan, but a pretty special car.

1954 Studebaker Starliner hot rod
I've lusted after the 53-54 Studebaker coupes and hardtops since highschool. Tom and I found this one at the Turlock Swap meet in the late 1990's. I built it exactly as I had envisioned it for the last 30 years. 60's style semi custom. 365 HP 327, 4 speed. It took about 3 years to finish. I drove it 30,000 miles in the next 10 years. It went to the Grand National Roadster Show, Rod and Custom magazine one of the top 100 hot rods in 2001, won 2 GoodGuys Trophies. I should have kept this one.

1962 Lark 4 door wagon
I bought this from Bob Peterson. 6 cylinder stick. I was bored and needed a short project. I got it running and driving well, addressed some cosmetic issues, bolted on a Volvo luggage rack. Sold it at a GoodGuys show within months of the purchase. This is the one that took a "no brake" tour of the driveway in Scotts Valley and almost ended up at the bottom of the canyon.

1962 Studebaker GT
Bob Kabchef found this GT and the next one at the same seller. We partnered on them. I fronted the money and Bob retrieved them, got them running and driving and detailed them. We sold them on eBay. This one was a 4 speed.

1962 Studebaker GT
The is the second GT Bob and I flipped.

1951 Packard
The airport biz was slow and i started looking for projects that I could do just a little work to and then flip for a profit. This Packard was an abandonded father/son project. It was taken apart and that's as far as the duo got. They essentially gave it to me. I got it running and driving and sold it on eBay.

1954 Studebaker Land Cruiser
I bought this Land Cruiser and the 60 Lark wagon below as a package. I did very little work to either and resold them.

1960 Lark 4 door wagon
This is the wagon I bought with the Land Cruiser. The guy that bought it was going to restore it for his teenage daughter.

1953 Studebaker Champion Starlight
I got a call one evening from the son of a fairly well known Studebaker guy. The dad had died and the son needed to get his projects out of an expensive Atherton home so he could sell the property. There were actually 2 cars. One well along in the restoration (the one shown here) and a complete but rusty car he was using as a model. The work on the nearly restored car was exceptional and included all new or restored parts to finish the car including a beautiful interior. I bought both with a low ball offer including many of the parts that were in his other residence in Nevada City. He just wanted everything gone so he could sell the houses. I made a killing flipping these.

1958 Studebaker Provincial wagon
I found this on CraigsList in the east bay. Another one the seller just wanted gone. I came with a bunch of extra parts. I just love how "over the top" these 58 big Studes were...especially the wagons. I got it running and driving. Bob Kapchef just HAD to have this one. His all time favorite Stude. I sold it to him for what I paid for it. This was a rust free, complete car. I should have kept it.

1963 Oldsmoble Starfire
A rare and pretty car, but this one was very rusty. Turbocharged aluminum V8. Larry and I removed the wheels with rotten and flat tires and had some good used tires installed, then trailered it to the airport. I cleaned it up the best I could. It was complete and together. The JFIT (junk found in trunk) consisted of an empty bottle of Oldsmobile Rocket Fuel (an alcohol/water mix that was automatically fed to the engine when under boost), and a couple of spare turbos. I sold the JFIT for more than I paid for the car. The buyer of the car was planning to restore it. I hope he did.

1963 Volvo 4 door
This Volvo was in a garage in a house that was on a steep hill in San Francisco. It hadn't moved in years. It was essentially given to me if I could get it out of the garage. It had no brakes, so it was super tricky to work it out of the garage and on to my trailer without having it get away and start down the hill (yikes!). I got it home, got it running and stopping and sold it on eBay.

1964 Studebaker Challenger 2 door Sedan
The late model Studebaker Challenger was the basis for several drag racers. Light weight two door sedan. Base model. Relatively rare. This one wasn't rusty and was complete. The buyer was very happy to have found one for his drag racer project.

1947 Studebaker M15 flatbed truck
I bought this truck from John Wilson who owns Wilson Furniture here in Bellingham. It was parked behind his store on Meridian which is now The ReStore. It had a 305 Chevy V8 and Chevy truck synchro 4 speed. I always liked these cartoon looking M model Studebakers. This one was an M15. It mainly needed the brakes gone through and some cosmetic detailing. The motor and transmission were just about perfect in this truck. I don't know how it got by with the original little Champion 6. I used it as a truck. It was pictured on the back cover of an issue of the Studebaker Driver's Club magazine.

1953 Studebaker Speedster Kustom
This was a relatively famous PNW Kustom. Featured in several magazines and displayed at the 1962 Worlds Fair in Seattle. There were some minor changes to the exterior from the original Kustom and a 289 Ford V8 replaced the hot rod Stude engine. I had lots of fun tracing the history of this one. It would have also been fun to restore it to it's original show car condition, but that would have taken a lot of time and money. A neat piece of hot rod history.

1953 Studebaker Starliner
This Starliner was part of a package deal with the 1961 E13-131 below. A friend of a friend just wanted these two cars gone. I knew the Starliner would do fine. I was a little concerned about the truck...but I was wrong. The Starliner sold almost immediately with only word of mouth advertising.

1955 Studebaker 4 door
I bought this car from Bob Peterson and hauled it home from California. 6 cylinder automatic. I got it running and driving good and shined it up. I put the phony wide whitewall "toppers" on it. It was a nice old Studebaker. It sold to Texas.

1960 Lark 4 door wagon
I got this wagon also from Peterson. Original paint. The interior was fried. It had a V8 OD. I got it running and driving and polished the paint and sold it on eBay. It went to New York.

1961 1961 Studebaker E13-131 Truck
A little rusty, but a great truck. Not too big but still a truck. 289 V8 with a rare 5 speed OD. A real work horse. Ran and drove great. I did very little to it and sold it on eBay to a local buyer that had been looking for one for years.

1950 Studebaker Business Coupe
This was a real rusty car, but a rare bullet nose business coupe so I took a chance on it. I hauled it back from California. It was a PITA loading it on the trailer since the brakes were locked, but I got it loaded and got it back to Bellingham. I never took it off the trailer. I washed it, advertised it on eBay, sold it for multiples of what I paid for it, and delivered it to the new ownner less than 50 miles from where I bought it in California

1962 Studebaker GT R1
A local Bellingham car. Rusty, but a real R1 with HD automatic. I sold it to a guy in Vancouver. He paid me to deliver it and said he would pay me when I showed up with the car. Crossing the boarder was a piece of cake...but I found out later that it shouldn't have been. The buyer hemmed and hawed about paying me, but finally went to the bank and got the money. I unloaded the car and got the heck out of there.

1954 Studebaker Starlight
I think this was a 6 cylinder stick. I cleaned it up and put it on eBay. A guy from Canada bought it. He came down to Bellingham and paid me, then we took it to a barn out in the county for storage.

1960 Lark 4 door sedan
I bought this car from a friend of Fred Cook. Dick somethingorother. He had gotten it from another friend in the Bay Area. The left side had been hit hard by a hit and run driver. It ran and drove good and was not rusty. Great interior. It was too badly hit to restore, however. I traded it to Gord Richmond for the engine and transmission that went into the Kart Hauler. I took a great picture of the rear of the car which made the back cover of Turning Wheels.

1963 Studebaker GT
Brian Curtis turned me on to this car that was made in Hamilton, Ontario, and had been a Canadian car it's whole life. It had been restored years ago by the Canadian I bought it from...the 2nd owner. 289 with a 4 speed and disc brakes. The paint job was just OK so Jon and I ended up painting it. I sold it to a museum in Winnipeg. They came here and brought it to Winnipeg in a one car enclosed trailer. One I should have kept.

1937 Plymouth pick up truck
Jon Falcon bought a couuple of Plymouth pickups and a bunch of parts from Fred Cook. We drove to Redding to pick them up. I think it must have taken 2 trips to bring everything back. We sold this pickup and a bunch of parts which completely offset the purchase price. Jon kept a good cab and other parts for the hot rod he was building.

1955 Studebaker Commander Coupe
I got this one from Peterson. I loved the color 1955. V8 Auto. I got it running, but it wouldn't go into gear. The trans was shot. I sold it to a guy in Washington that had the identical car when he was first married. I delivered it to him. He was so excited to get the car.

1960 Lark 2 door wagon
I bought this from a forum member, Sal, in the Sacramento area. Mainly because I was empty coming home from California. I was going to make a hot rod out of it but lost interest. Sold it to a Canadian. He met me in Sumas and we loaded it on his trailer

1965 Chevrolet Impala 2 door hardtop
The only car I bought from a Hemmings listing. It was in the Gig Harbor area being sold by the son of the original owner who had recently died. 250 HP 327, Powerglide. The son's dad bought it new in the Sacramento area when he was in the military. He retired in the Spokane area. 60,000 original miles. No rust anywhere. The seats and panels were like new. I did some mechanical fixits, tires, brakes, etc, painted it, new carpet. It ran and drove like a new car. I should have kept this one.

1953 Studebaker Kart Hauler
This 53 Studebaker was customized in the late 50's by Lee Talbot and Sam Chakries and appeard in the 1959 Oakland Roadster Show (now the Grand National Roadster Show). Jon Falcon and I brought it back to it's show car condition. Kustomrama's entry on the car.

1963 Studebaker Lark 2 door hardtop
A rust free, complete, running and driving V8 Auto. It really didn't need anything and would be an easy restoration. Just paint and interior. I had too many projects waiting in the wings and sold this one just to reduce inventory.

1951 Plymouth Suburban
I bought this from Gary Minor in Castro Valley. He had recently got it from the original owner in the Sacramento area. Rust free. A rebuilt engine that had never been started, but it was stuck. The car was complete and not beat up in or out. My plan was a resto rod with a Red Ram hemi but I had too many cars. I sold it to a friend in Eastern Washington.

1955 Packard Patrician
I bought this one from the son of the original owner. It had been sitting in his garage for decades. He delighted in telling me many stories about the car and trips he took in it as a kid. It cleaned up nicely (perfect interior) and ran and drove well after a little work. I sold it to a guy on Vancouver Island.

1958 Alfa Romeo Giulietta
I bought this from John Wilson (see the 1947 Studebaker M15 above). He had bought this off of eBay and imported it from Mexico where it was assembled and sold new. It was modified with a 2 liter later Alfa engine, 5 speed, and disc brakes front and rear. John was not much of a mechanic and let it sit outside a couple of years. I got it running for him. John just wanted it gone and sold it to me for $4000. I cleaned it up and got it running better and sold it.

1963 Lark hot rod
This one from Bob Kabchef. It was a project he started and lost interest in. He had the body and paint work done first class and the seats upholstered in wild colors that went with the car color. I found a low mileage Chevy 305 and TH350 for it and finished putting it back together.

1962 Corvair Monza
A 30,000 original mile car. 110 HP Powerglide. White over yellow. 1962 was Chevrolet's 50th anniversary (Golden) and they produced a limited run of every model with this yellow interior. The interior was perfect in this car. It got some minor body work and a paint job. Ran like a new car.

1963 Studebaker Avanti
This was owned by and architect in Seattle. Nice guy. He had this Avanti for several years and could never get it running right. I trailered it home and quickly found out that a needle and seat in one float bowl was adjusted all the way closed. It was running on 4 cylinders. Paul Dart replaced the left side hog trough. I sold it to a friend of Fred Cook and trailered it to him in Redding

1969 MGB GT
A nice, rust free GT. Bought it with the motor and trans out of it. Got it running and driving quickly. I decided to change it from wire wheels to Panasports. I found a set of Panasports in California and broght them home on one of my trips along with some parts to convert the hubs from wires to bot ons. I installed a roll bar ad decaled the car to look like a faux race car. I later installed the OD trans from the 70 GT below. Sold it to Evan Wert.

1970 MGB GT
Bought this on Mercer Island. It was a running, driving car but real rusty. I bought it for the OD trans which I put in the maroom 69. I sold the remains to Adam Richardson and gave him a locked up 215 Olds aluminum V8.

1963 Studebaker Daytona Wagon
I bought this one from Pat Drnec who was selling everything and moving to Thailand. I sold a couple of his other cars for him also. This one he was building for his girlfriend. He had the body and paint professionally done. It was perfect. It arrived here from LA disassembled with all the parts inside. I had the chrome redone and the seats reupholstered. Peterson supplied like new panels. 259, auto. It turned out beautiful and I should have kept it.

1967 Daimler V8 250
Dave and I found this at the for sale corral at the ABFM at Van Dusen. We went back and got it a few weeks later. It is a Mk II Jag but with the Daimler hemi V8. I got it running and driving well. I redyed the interior. I sold it on BaT . The buyer drove it cross country to his home in New England.

1958 1958 Austin Healy Sprite
I found this at the ABFM in Bothel. I was talking to a brother/sister about LBCs and she mentioned she had a bug eye sprite that had just been sitting in the garage for decades. I told her I was interested and checked it out at her house on the way home. Complete and straight. She wanted $1500 for it. I came back later that week and took it home. It didn't take much to get it running well, but I had to put a clutch in it. It had a 1275 in it to replace the 948, wire wheels, and disc brakes. A fun little car! I sold it back to her for what I had into it.

1977 26 Tolly
I bought this Tolly in Blaine in partnership with Mike Macevoy. It wasn't running well. We got it running good enough to ferry it from Blaine down to Hilton in Bellingame. Sometime during our short ownership, the engine (454 Chevy) blew up. We found a good core and had Scott Reed rebuild it. I also installed new water cooled exhaust manifolds. We cleaned and painted the bottom and generally detailed the boat. We had a lot of fun doing the project and broke even when we sold it.

1930 Model A Tudor
One of the few cars I bought off of eBay. It was in Wisconsin and had been its whole life. I think I was the 3rd owner. Complet, rust free. I had lots of fun fixing a bunch of little things. It ran and drove good by the end of my ownership. I planned a trip to California with it to duplicate the one I did with Jerry in 1965 with my 30 coupe, but it never happene. I sold it to fund another project. Another should have been keeper.

1969 Mercedes 250
Craigslist. I fell for it the minute I saw it. I left to "think about it" but stopped on the way home and called the seller and bought it. 60,000 miles and beautiful condition. I did very little to it. I sold it on eBay. The buyer drove it home to New Brunswick.

1971 MGB Touring
This was my first MGB but I owned it the longest of any of them. It was Teal Blue. I painted it Flame Red when I restored it. I had the engine rebuilt. It was a beautiful and detailed car. I sold it on BaT.

1968 Rover 3.5 V8 and transmission
Bought in Squmish for a future project. I took it apart and inspected it, cleaned it, painted it and reassembled it. It would be a great combo for a T-Bucket type hot rod. Still "in inventory"

1976 Porsche 914 V8
Bought off of eBay in Southern California. A very rare rust free, one owner car. I put an LB9 305 in it with a kit from Renegade. Neat little car. I had tons of challenges both with the conversion and with the "good used" 305 that ended up getting rebuilt a few times. Made a killing on BaT when I sold it, however.

1977 MGB V8
Bought off of Craigslist. Dave and I went to Eastern Washington to pick it up. Rust free late model which is the easiest to convert to a V8. I already had the engine (Rover) that I had bought in Seattle when I was consulting at Clearwire. Bob Peterson sold me a World Class T5 out of a V8 Camaro. I backdated it by converting from the big ugly bumpers to the delicate chrome ones. I found some new Heritage front wings. I used early low back bucket seats. I repainted it Pale Primrose Yellow. It was a fun project.

1972 BMW Bavaria
I lusted after one of these when they came out in the late 60's, early 70's. Jon's friend Blake had this car for a few years and had the body work done by a moonlighting pro. It was completely torn apart when I bought it. The seller was not a car guy and figured out he'd have way too much money in the car by the time he finished. I bought it for the next to nothing price he offered it to me for. It ran and drove well, but needed a lot of cosmetic help. Paul Dart painted it. When finished, I drove it to Monterey, CA, for the Legends of the Autobahn show in conjunction with Pebble Beach.

1968 Volvo 122S Amazon Wagon
I found this one on eBay in SoCal. John Larsen and I flew to Oakland, BART to San Jose, Zack picked us up there and we spent the night at his house. Then Amtrak to San Luis and Em's. Borrowed her car and drove to Ventura to pick up the Volvo. Then a 3 day drive back to Bellingham. It made it! I tuned it, replaced some front end parts and cleaned it up. Sold it on BaT

1966 Honda Scrambler
I had wanted one of these when I was 18 and had been looking for the right one for several years. This one came up on eBay. I was the high bidder at about $3k. The seller told me he only wanted out of it what he had into it and sold it to me for $1300. Dave and I went to Idaho to pick it up. It need only a few mechanical fixes. I cleaned it up. Paul painted it. And I had the chrome redone. I ride it around the neighborhood just to listen to its unique sound.